This versatile lunch salad works well with whatever meats you have on hand. It's an Italian take on the chopped salad with spicy marinated vegetables and...
Taco Salad is a delicious and thoroughly satisfying meal. Ground turkey stands in for beef; nonfat yogurt laced with lime juice, jalapeno, and cilantro...
This salad can be tossed together before serving, but another delightful option is to spread the ingredients out on wooden cutting boards and let guests...
With its refreshing flavors, this sandwich -- a take on the Vietnamese banh mi -- is perfect the day after Thanksgiving. It combines turkey with spicy...
Toss together a light but satisfying post-Thanksgiving lunch by teaming leftover turkey and cranberry sauce with peppery watercress and nutty farro for...
This curry is delicious on its own or served over cooked rice, preferably basmati or other long-grain white rice. Curry powder and fresh ginger bring warm,...
We brined our turkey for 24 hours, so leave plenty of time. If you don't want to brine yours, skip steps 1 and 2. If you don't have a stockpot large enough...
Cobb salad, a California classic, is chockful of all the staple ingredients like bacon, deli turkey, hard-cooked egg whites, and crumbled blue cheese....
Add giblets and neck to the pan with the turkey 1 1/2 hours after the oven temperature is reduced to 350 degrees in step 5 of the Classic Brined and Roasted...
Smooth, rich, and simple to prepare, this turkey gravy gets its great flavor from leftover pan drippings.From the book "Mad Hungry" by Lucinda Scala Quinn...
Give this favorite a big nutrient boost by choosing the right ingredients. Skip the mayo and cheese, which add fat but not much else, and our Romesco Sauce...
This sophisticated take on turkey breast is well-suited to intimate Thanksgiving celebrations that don't require a whole bird. The recipe comes from chef...
In this gravy recipe for Thanksgiving, white wine provides an acidic, fruity contrast to the sweetness found in the drippings of our Maple-Glazed Turkey...
Toaster quesadillas are all the rage right now and are simple to make once you get the hang of it. The key is to make sure not to add too much to them....
Toaster quesadillas are all the rage right now and are simple to make once you get the hang of it. The key is to make sure not to add too much to them....
Serve up this lower-calorie version of turkey chili in baked corn tortilla cups for a fun presentation. Top with a dollop of low-fat Greek yogurt instead...
However unpromising the giblets look, they make a wonderful stock for the turkey gravy and the meat from them will provide a Christmas lunch for a deserving...
A rub made from thyme leaves, lemon and orange zest, salt, and pepper helps to deliver moist turkey meat every time; a sprinkle of paprika on top of the...
This is a great way to use that leftover turkey after the holidays. It's even better the next day. My mother handed this down, and it has always been a...
Fragrant spices such as coriander seeds, bay leaves, juniper berries, fennel seeds, and peppercorns permeate the buttermilk brine for this holiday centerpiece....
Make this giblet gravy with our Salt-and-Pepper Grilled Turkey. The only other ingredients that you need are chicken stock, water, pan drippings from roast...
If the turkey burgers brown too quickly, cover them with a heatproof metal bowl. This will help them to cook more quickly on the inside. Use tongs or a...